Surface Merge Wide

This tool is only intended for use with G2 sensors.

The Surface Merge Wide tool uses the XML transformation file you choose that was produced by the Surface Align Wide tool (see Wide Layouts (Surface Align Wide Tool)) and combines scan data from multiple sensors into a single surface. You can use any built-in or GDK-based Surface measurement tool to perform measurements on the resulting merged Surface scan data.


You configure the tool's inputs in the expandable Inputs section.

Name Description
Enable Batching

When Enable Batching is checked, the tool takes an array as input and processes each surface in the array individually. There is no limit to the size of the array, other than processing limitations of the sensor.

For more information on arrays, batching, and aggregating, see Arrays, Batching, and Aggregation.

Surface Input

The data the tool applies measurements to or processes.


You configure the tool's parameters in the expandable Parameters section.

Parameter Description

Enable Processing

Causes the tool to start merging data from the individual sensors.

Make sure to properly configure the tool before enabling this option.

Configuration File Expandable area containing settings related to the XML configuration file.


Actions that apply to the XML configuration file the tool uses to perform merging. You must first create a configuration file using the Surface Align Wide tool (see Wide Layouts (Surface Align Wide Tool))One of the following:

  • Normal:  The tool automatically switches to this operation after performing another operation.
  • Load: Displays a list of configuration files you can load. After you select a file, the tool loads it and displays a message in the log.
  • Save: Saves manual changes in the Sensor Parameters settings, using the provided configuration file name. You do not typically need to make manual changes in this tool. Use this only for troubleshooting.
  • Delete: Deletes the configuration file you select.
  • Refresh: Refreshes the list of configuration files.

Alignment Status

Indicates whether the tool has aligned the sensors. Either "Not Aligned" or the date of the alignment.

Sensors Expandable section containing sensor-related settings

Sensor Count

Indicates the number of sensors in the system.

Sensor Parameters

A drop-down that lets you display the settings of a specific sensor.

You do not usually need to change these settings, as they are set when you load the configuration file produced by the Surface Align Wide tool using the Operation drop-down. The values are intended for diagnostics only. For information on the parameters, see Sensor Parameters.

Y Axis Correction

When enabled, displays a Y Scaling setting. For more information, see below.

Y Axis Scale

Typically used to compensate for errors in encoder settings, which can distort scan data. If you cannot change the encoder settings or if you are working with data recorded with an incorrectly configured encoder, use this setting to adjust the Y scaling to compensate.

The value used in this tool must match the value used in Surface Align Wide; for more information, see Wide Layouts (Surface Align Wide Tool).

Only displayed when Y Axis Correction is enabled (see above).

Resolution Mode

Determines whether the tool scales the X or Y resolution so that they are the same (a 1:1 ratio), or leaves the X and Y resolutions as the original. One of the following.

  • Optimal (uniform)

    Brings the X/Y resolution ratio to 1:1 while preserving the pixel area. Best for random rotation around Z. Provides a balance between the highest and lowest possible resolutions, requiring an average amount of memory and processing time compared to the High Oriented (uniform) or Low Oriented (uniform) options.

  • High Oriented (uniform)

    Interpolates the lower resolution to match the higher resolution (between X and Y) in the input. Choose this option when increased resolution is preferred over speed and low memory usage. (This can result in a very high resolution output, creating a lot of data for subsequent tools to process. This can in turn result in slower processing.)

  • Low Oriented (uniform)

    Decimates the higher resolution to match the lower resolution (between X and Y) in the input. Choose this option when speed and low memory usage is preferred over resolution. (It can result in significant data quality reduction with large Z rotations if the X and Y resolutions of the input are very different.)

  • Original Resolution

    Keeps the original X and Y resolution of the scan. Use this option only when you expect little or no Z rotation. Otherwise, with X/Y resolution ratios that are not 1:1, large rotation around Z results in severe data quality reduction.

  • Customized

    Lets you set a custom resolution mode using the Scale X, Scale Y, Output Width, and Y Offset Buffering parameters this option displays. For more information on Y Offset Buffering, see Y Offset Buffering Parameters.

Resolution Reduction

Reduces the lateral resolution of the heightmap to reduce processing time.

External ID

The external ID of the tool that appears in GoHMI Designer. For more information, see GoHMI and GoHMI Designer.

Y Offset Buffering Parameters
Parameter Description

Y Offset Buffering

Displayed when Resolution Mode is set to Customized. The following options are available:


The tool performs no offset buffering.

Fixed Length

The tool performs Y offset buffering. Use this mode if some sensors in the sensor system are offset along the Y axis and the system uses Fixed Length surface generation to ensure that the complete, combined Surface scan is output. (For more information on Fixed Length surface generation, see Surface Generation.) The tool outputs the new surface data in the Processed Surface data output.

Choosing this option displays two additional, optional parameters: Overlap Length and Reset Time Limit.

  • Overlap Length: Useful for applications where parts might be split between two frames. Sets the amount of the previous frame's data, in millimeters, to append to the current frame's data. The combined Surface data will be output in the Processed Surface tool data. Choose the overlap length to accommodate the size of your scan targets.

    The following images show how parts could be split between frames:

    The following shows how the tool combines data:

    Data is only appended in one direction. Partial objects in the resulting surface output from the tool must be filtered out using downstream tools, for example, excluding them based on the expected area.

  • Reset Time Limit: The maximum time the tool waits until resetting the buffer. When it is set, it will check the timestamp of neighboring frames to ensure that not too much time has elapsed. If the time difference is above the limit, the buffering is reset. When set to 0, the check is disabled and input surfaces are assumed to follow each other.


All tools provide measurements, geometric features, or data as outputs.

Type Description

Processed Surface

The Surface data resulting from combining the scan data of the individual sensors. You can use any Surface measurement tool to perform measurements on the combined data.