Scan Modes and Intensity

Sensors supports one or more data acquisition modes, in addition to an image mode. You choose the scan mode on the Acquire > Scan page > Scan Mode section.

If you have previously recorded scan data and have configured the input of measurement tools, changing the scan mode will display an error, saying the tools inputs are no longer available. For example, if you have scanned and recorded some Surface data, and added and configured a Surface Position measurement tool, but then switch to the Image scan mode to diagnose exposure issues, GoPxL warns you that the measurement tool's input (its data source) is missing. GoPxL also indicates this in the interface:

Scan Mode Description


Outputs video images from the sensor. This mode is useful for configuring exposure time and troubleshooting stray light or ambient light problems.

Outputs profiles.

Video images are processed internally to produce laser profiles and cross-sectional measurements.


Outputs Surface data. The sensor uses various methods to generate a surface (see Surface Generation).

Enable uniform spacing

When this option is enabled, data points are resampled to a uniform spacing (see Uniform Data and Point Cloud Data for more information).

Set the size of the spacing with the Uniform spacing interval settings; for more information, see Uniform Spacing.

Disable this option to get data from the sensor at the highest possible rate.

Acquire Intensity

When this option is enabled, an intensity value is produced for each data point. For more information on intensity, see Intensity Output.